Sunday, November 16, 2008

Craft Fair

The craft fair was this past weekend. I have to tell you... it wasn't all that great. I don't think there was much advertising for it. Which is a shame, because, a couple years ago, I participated in a Craft Fair in Albuquerque which did NO advertising for the show. The ABQ one did heavily advertise for vendors though- So the vendors estimated they raised $4500 in booth fees- but WE did no business. After learning that lesson the hard way, I now always ask, up front "What kind of advertising will you be doing for this show?" The coordinator for this show assured me there would be advertising and publicity. As it rolled up to the big day, many people I knew still hadn't heard about the event. In fact, there was a total of 13 vendors. They were all super nice, since we had ample time to chat and get to know each other better. In fact it was through those vendors that I learned of a big craft fair over in Lawton this coming weekend. 180 vendors! I think I'll go to that one as a shopper and see about handing out a few fliers for my Recycled Uniform Bags. Ft. Sill is a really big Army base, and the Army seems to really like my bags.

All in all it wasn't a total wash. I had a handful of friends come out to support me and chat. I did have some sales. A big thank you, though to those members in the community who did come out to the little craft fair. It was nice to meet you. And I had the whole morning off from "mommin" Which- as you mom's know, is a really refreshing morning in itself, from time to time.

Maybe I'll be able to do the Lawton fair next year. Now, back to my morning hot chocolate. Have a great Sunday! ~jen~

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