Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another Treasury!

Ok, I think I had duvet featured somewhere huge back in November or October. And shortly after that I had an item in a treasury over at Etsy. A treasury is a peer selected list of items for sale somewhere in Etsy. The lists are generally put together with a theme. This Etsy Artist, 1MaddieAndMe, chose the list and her theme was to feature military spouses. Hooray. The list is called Spotlight on Homefront. I'm so happy to be in a treasury, with extra exposure, during my big "free shipping to USA" sale this week, to celebrate Earth Day.

Whooh, thats alot of links for a short paragraph.

In other news, per the suggestion of Angelines, a commenter on my blog, I went ahead and found a translator widget to add to my blogs. She has the same service on her blog. Its provided over there on the right and is through babblefish. Its pretty neat to see all the stuff I type, switched into Japanese or Chinese... and if I knew any other language fluently, I could tell you how effective the translations are. Sometimes... if you type in the text to be translated, it comes out totally messed up. I have no idea if thats what is happening when the blog translates. You'll have to let me know.

Alrighty- have a great day! ~jen~

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