There's a new girl in town- or should I say GIRLS. Our town has many quilt shops, but with an 800 active-member guild, there's plenty of room for more quilt shops.
The newest addition is
Material Girls Quilt Shoppe. They hosted a grand opening grand party this passed weekend. I was there to enjoy the party.

This is Jan and Jo. The run the place. They are super nice and its very clear they are loving their new job- And man, they can throw a party.

It was really, pretty full of shoppers, by 10:30a. And it wasn't even Saturday yet! Door prizes, shopping, snacks, shopping, drinks, oh and um... shopping...
Lets check out the store, shall we:

This shop has a HUGE selection of soft fabrics. I'm sure it all has different market names, per company but the Minki, snuggly soft stuff- tons of it.

And I'm super happy to report that
Material Girls Quilt Shoppe carries
ReannaLily Designs patterns. (You can tell I'm happy because I have the big goofy grin in the picture.) Not only do they carry the patterns, but I'm going to be teaching
Intensity on Sept 25th at 10-noon. {{Its the black and white quilt above my silly-self in the picture.}} You'll see how the
Seamingly Accurate seam guide can make the half-square triangles in a snap and learn some scrappy techniques for this fat quarter friendly pattern. Click my classes tab, or head over to the MGQS link to get signed up.
Let me show you my absolute favorite part of the store- more favorite than the 5000+ bolts, the class and awesome loft-like layout- yes- more favorite than that:

They have a whole center for kids. Its adjacent to a sitting area, in the middle of the store, right by the cash wrap & cutting table. The sitting area has wicker furniture for adults and a whole set for the little people. Can I just say,
thank you. I wish more quilt shops would recognize that, yes, sometimes young people with kids would like to give ridiculous amounts of money to your shops. {{This is a huge peeeve for me.}} To see more and more shops embracing the kids is well worth the 10 sqft spent on it. You guys rock the house!
Congrats on the big grand opening!

Material Girls Quilt Shoppe
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