Sunday, October 4, 2009

A forced computer break-

So, you know I'm heading to the Houston Quilt Market and you know I'm moving. Did I tell you both events occur on the same weekend???

I packing for the show {hoping I don't forget anything} then having the packers/movers arrive, then driving 2 hours east to Oklahoma City, flying to Houston, flying back to OKC, then driving to the new place in Kansas. Holy smokes. The family will be moving with the household stuff that same weekend, after they drop me off at the airport. I'm tellin you, this might be shaving years off my life!

But I'm telling you all this because the Etsy shops are closed for a couple weeks ('til I unpack at the new home) and the internet will be taking a little break while we terminate our service from house-to-house.

I hope to update the blog from the market show- but if you've been, or if you've been to any trade show for that matter- its very exhausting. I'll try to stay on top of things, but you know... sometimes "busy" gets in the way.

See you soon, next Tuesday, if not before then! Have a good one! ~jen~


Corinne said...

I'll meet you in the lobby of the Hilton (only place in the hotel with free WiFi) for some serious blogging fun!!! Do we know how to live or what???

Leigh said...

WOW! You are going to be so busy! Very excited for you and the show! You probably won't be able to rest until the new year!

craftytammie said...

Hope you enjoy Quilt Market and your new Kansas digs!