Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Taking a Break

But not from sewing!!! HA. The ReannaLily Designs headquarters will be relocating from here, to there. All this will take place in about two months, but this weekend I have packers and movers coming to my house. I've been sorting and deciding and restacking for about a week now. Its pretty well done. It was tricky to decide which of my imaginary friends would stay behind and help me sew while all the others start on the slow boat to the USA.

If you are local, I am still taking jobs until the end of May, I think. Of course if your job is huge I'll let you know- either I can do it and mail it to you, or not. I am keeping my sewing machines out though, 'til the very last possible moment. (June 2nd) Even after I'm gone from fabulous Korea, you'll still be able to reach me for custom work via email & usps.

And as we're entering the pack/sort home stretch, I thought I'd take a break and rework the ReannaLily Designs home page. I had an "ok" cover image on there with a mix of all sorts of things sewn. Now, when you go over there ... well, its still not a total-show-stopping cover image, but at least the mix is grouped and is more representative of what I've been doing. Each section is clickable and will take you somewhere into my flickr gallery. So go check it out, let me know what you think. And always- point out the many mispelings I make. ;)

In other news, my friend mentioned me in her blog today. She's been working with me, taking very informal sewing lessons. Check out her lovely new pillows, to go with her lovely new duvets, bed skirt, curtains and valance- And of course, her daughter's new bedroom is going to be all in Ginger Blossom by Sandi Henderson for Michael Miller.

Thanks for stopping by! ~jen~

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